Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Reirement or Bust!

Well, the 62nd milepost beckons and I heed the call! In about 40 days my retirement from PERS begins and on my birthday 9/12/09, my SS will start. I am leaving the U.S. July 6 to spend 2 months in Germany with my daughter and son-in-law and grandkids (Alex, Lola Rose and Sienna Lily). Then, back to Seattle for Seattle University 40th reunion for a couple days and then to Korea for a year of teaching English. After that, I hope to join Peace Corps for two years and, if all goes well, stay in Kenya for a long time planting trees with Mathawi. See her website: greenbeltmovement.org.

I'm trying to stay in touch with people...so let me know what's going on in your life!

journey with Mary

Today is my daughter's birthday--she's 23 and three years into her 6-year Navy commitment and ready to go to Afghanistan in August. She has 2 months training in Mississippi and then will be a prison guard in AF.
Don't mess with her!